Friday, February 27, 2009

Where is the fun in all of this?

If you have been around Hope for long and been in a small group you have no doubt heart the phrase

In small groups at Hope, the goal is for you to be transformed by the word of God through Community.

LEARN: We do this first by learning through specific studies: the author of a study guides us through a certain passage of scripture or book/s of the bible and we learn the history of that particular story, what it meant then and what it means to us now. Hopefully, we learn to apply this to our life.

LOVE: We also do this by coming together each week to hear what is on one another's hearts. We share our prayer requests, our trials and our praises. We walk along each other as life ebbs and flows. Maybe sharing how the Lord got us through a similar situation or just simply helping one another hand something over to Jesus.

LIVE: We serve together in many ways. This can be taking a new mom or a sick friend a meal. Taking her kids for an afternoon while she has some peace. Helping her find her way around a new town. Maybe even cleaning someone's house or taking her to the doctor if she is too sick to do so herself.

We also do service projects together. The New Bern House, making blankets for little babies, collecting money to send to the Ukraine, sponsoring children - so many.

Ladies, as a collective group we are doing all of this really well. I am excited to see the growth and transformation in many of you and experience it for myself.

What I want to talk about here is this....

Are you ladies having FUN????

When is the last time your group got together for dinner? Bowling? Shopping? A movie? A park date with the kids? Or without the kids? :)

I can hear you laughing in your small groups on Tuesday so I know that you are having fun there. I just think that having fun with each other outside of your time in small group is vitally important to how you bond with each other.

So, I want to encourage you today to make a plan with your small group to get together outside of Tuesday morning for something completely fun. I totally understand how busy each of us are and that this is actually not the easiest thing to do. It may be that only half of you make it this time and the other half next time and that's okay.

But please, just take the time. Make the time for each other. You will be so glad you did!

Here are some fantastic opportunities coming up in March and April:

  • Bunco Night!
  • Women of Hope Beach Retreat (scholarships are available!)
  • Women's Breakfast and Mini-Seminar

You can find out all about these events and more at Women Of

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